The nature of the object is measured and
considered by interaction between thoughts.
The unit of measurement is limited from
both sides therefore it represented as interaction between thoughts.
This interaction is fixing the unit and providing it definition.
These fixed units then will be used for the measurement.
The reality characteristic this is
continuously effort of the things appearance determination and
then to form the characteristic of the reality. Characterization
with the appearance determination defines the personal response
to reality by behaviour expression like physical, emotional
and mental. The human different patterns of behaviour is also
have resulted from response to the reality characteristic.
There is non-fixed number of determinations and thinkable pictures
come to be limited by the human to find the characteristic.
Vague of determinations exists until the definition of the measurement
units. For example, the "tall" is vague determination
because it doesn't have a bright line, from the "not tall"
determination. Vagueness of the form characterization remains
until the contexts "tall" is not separated from "not
Within the separation, received difference gives the possibility
for the equilibrium process of characterization is represented
in the declaration: "I can characterize everything when
I find the line of separation".
The equal-arm balance instrument is other illustration of the
equilibrium process of characterization. From the time of the
ancient Egyptians this instrument is used for comparing the
weights of two bodies to determine the difference in mass. Equilibrium
of the beams established the zero reading, but difference between
the zero reading and the reading with the loaded
pans indicates the difference between
loads. In the direct weighing, the measured material is put
on one pan and the sufficient known weights on the other pan
until the beam will be in equilibrium.
The process of characterization begins toward the balance, by
the way of comparison of the unknown with some known characteristic.
When the equilibrium is established, the characteristics about
the nature of the measured object can be formulated. The received
equation will includes complex of various characteristics when
the interaction between them compared to unknown and forms characteristics
during the balancing.
The measurement considers about reality
in the terms of reality appearance. In the different measurements,
the reality appears in the different form: a cloud visual appearance
is a white form substance, although a physical appearance is
a concentration of drops of water. However, convergence of thought
interactions to the balance exists in the every reality appearance.